"I declare that I am an example to the world," you may claim. The question is: What kind of example are you? Every Christian should constantly ask themselves this question: "What kind of example am I to those around me?" It is recommended that Christians examine themselves now and again in this regard. A Christian should be a living sermon or testimony , a walking biblical message , a role model, and a free, human daily devotional . A Christian should be a written message that women, teens, and men alike may all see, read, and be inspired by. The authentic Christian life is a sermon in action. If you live this kind of life, without saying a single word those around you will see and hear your example loud and clear! "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." - 1 Timothy 4 Verse 12 (NIV) Set an example, be exemplary, Paul instructed Timoth...
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