Bad behavior remains bad behavior, however much one might try to put some gloss over it. On a number of occasions, I have heard people say, “It doesn't matter. It’s too minor a misdeed to worry about.” Really? I believe that each of one's actions or omissions has a far-reaching impact on their character and reputation. Everything you do either has a positive or negative effect on your person. The same applies to each of your omissions - the actions that you avoid taking. So it's not a matter of “is it a minor misdeed or a major one?” If something destroys your reputation, why would you not worry about it? If something reflects positively on you, why would you not be eager to be associated with it, no matter it is ‘minor’ or ‘major’? Our country would certainly be a much better place to live in if only more people cared, or cared more. Often people think that it is the responsibility of some other people to put things right. They say, “They should do this...
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