People look at life with different lenses, depending on what they believe. In the year 2003, a friend introduced me to the subject of success motivation and personal development. I then began to attend workshops on the subject but came out a bit confused. What confused me was the exclusive focus on wealth. I thought to myself, “Does success mean just wealth?” I believed that success was broader than just the possession of material things. I also believed that success was supposed to be based on a specific spiritual foundation. Thus began my quest for an answer, or an understanding of the matter. Then one day, as I read my Bible, I came across a verse that struck me. The verse reads as follows: “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well” (3 John v2, NIV). I almost jumped after reading this verse. “This is it! This is the definition of success!” I almost shouted to myself. If you are enjoying good healt...
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