The world is passing through a challenging phase because of the Covid-19 pandemic. It seems no country will be spared. We also have not seen the full measure of the pandemic's fury, in my view. It will take the effort of all of us to come out of this situation; not just your effort and mine, but that of the entire world. The journey is not going to be easy without such cooperation. We need to work together. If one avoids putting their hand to the plough, all it would mean is that we will be in this situation for quite a long time - with devastating consequences. We protect ourselves out of our love for mankind. If I am infected, it means a lot more may be infected, and some affected, because of me. Remember, some of such people are dear to us, and it would really break our hearts to make them pass through such difficult situations. We also protect ourselves out of the love for self. We need to help, to the best of our abilities, those who may be infected and affected. This is not...
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