“ … those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God” (Romans 8 Verse 14, NIV). Who are the sons and daughters of God? Who are the sons and daughters of Abraham? It is “those who are led by the Spirit of God”. The unsaved cannot be led by the Spirit of God because they are not of the Spirit. They, however, might eventually become of the Spirit, if they so choose. On the other hand, the saved need to seriously think about Paul’s statement in Romans 8:14 . A Christian should always be attentive to the Holy Spirit’s direction. We need, as Christians, to keep our antennas high and searching, so that we remain in touch with the thinking of the Spirit at every point of our lives. Consider the radar; it’s always on the alert. Once an airplane gets into the radar’s area of coverage the radar immediately shouts, “An airplane has just entered my airspace!” That’s how alert every Christian should always be! And when the radar is active, safet...
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