People should seek to pursue the comprehensive kind of success.
This is the kind of success that I have always exhorted people, through the medium of my books and blogs, to pursue.
I do not think that it is helpful for anybody to deliberately maintain some shortcomings in some areas of their life. Instead, people should learn to live complete lives, always guided by the Word of Light.
Each of your actions or omissions gives you an identity or label before God and mankind. People look at you and make specific conclusions about you.
Your actions or omissions either build your reputation or destroy it. So doing nothing is not actually doing nothing, as some people think. By doing nothing you would, in fact, be doing something!
What example are you setting in life?
Are you a role model? Would people with good intentions want to emulate you? These are questions that you ought to be asking yourself.
What perceptions do fellow church members, co-workers, friends, relatives, etc., have about you? Do they feel comfortable in your presence? Do they befriend you? Would they confide in you? Would they ask you for advice from you on their personal problems? Would they ask you to help them in any other way? Do they think you act in a fair manner in your interactions with them?
The Word of God is the greatest teacher. Listen to this: "Set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, in purity" (1 Timothy 4:12). Praise God!
You’ve got to set an example for fellow believers:
- in speech;
- in life;
- in love;
- in faith; and
- in purity.
I want you to read each of the following statements thrice, after which you would then consider if it describes you. If it describes you, say, "Yes, that's who I am." If it doesn't, shout, "Oh my God!"
Here we go:
- I set a good example for believers in the way I speak;
- I set a good example for believers in the way I live;
- I set a good example for believers in the way I relate to them;
- I set a good example for believers in the way I exercise my faith;
- I set a good example for believers in purity.
Huge problems exist in the area of speech. Several believers speak toxic words almost on a daily basis. Some seem to speak such words exclusively; each time they open their mouths you can be sure that they are on a mission to hurt somebody. That’s unfortunate!
God expects you to set an example to fellow believers in speech.
What does setting an example in life mean? I think this is a global view - over a period of time, one observes how you conduct your life in general. If you are setting a good example for them in this regard, they should end up desiring to be like you.
You should also set an example for others in love and in purity. This is something! Love, purity. Some people do not understand these words. What is love? What is purity? You could already be asking yourself these questions.
What does it take to be a pure human being? What does it take to have genuine love? These are higher positions that no natural human being could attain, only those who are quickened by the power of the Holy Spirit.
In purity, one deliberately sets themselves apart from ungodly beliefs and practices or actions, being fully conscious of who they are in Christ Jesus.
If you gave your life to Christ, I salute you. I am sure you do not ask the same questions asked by those who are not born again. This is because in Jesus Christ you have a role model, a perfect example to follow.
If you want to know what purity is, you should look at Christ. If you want to know what true love is, you should again look at Christ.
Nothing shall give Christians confidence except being like Christ. Christ is our confidence.
Some people behave in a manner that is seriously worrisome. By their conduct, they seem to say, “I am a bad example; I admit it.” They have no boundaries with regard to their actions or omissions. Yet Paul is teaching us that we ought to pay careful attention to how we walk this earth as Christians.
Whatever you do or say contributes to the perception that people will have about you. If you take advantage of other people, if you ask for or accept bribes, if you spit venom, if you fly with rage, if you are arrogant, then you certainly do yourself some serious injustice.
I wonder how one could live comfortably in a house that they obtained through corruption, sit in sofas that they stole, and enjoy music from a radio that they obtained through tricks.
What happened to conscience? What happened to self-respect? What happened to honesty, decency, and integrity? What example would one be setting by such conduct?
What example are you setting?
It's time to reflect!
Prayer Point for Today: That people may consider me a perfect role model in Christ.
Heavenly Father, my desire is that none of Your children may stumble because of my actions or omissions. I seek to set the kind of example that Paul exhorted Timothy to set.
Father, please help me to set a good example for believers in the way I speak.
Help me to set a good example for believers in the way I relate to them.
Help me to set a good example for believers in the way I exercise my faith.
Help me to set a good example for believers in purity; in my separation from worldly pleasures.
Help me to set a good example for believers in the way I conduct my life in general.
Father, by my own effort I fall short. May Your Holy Spirit equip me for this.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.