This is an excellent example of, and lesson on, how to lead people to salvation; a good example of how to win souls for Christ. This was a very effective method, in my view, judging by the results achieved.
Soul winning is probably the most important activity that the Christian should undertake for the sake of both the Lord and mankind - bringing souls into God's Kingdom.
Tell somebody about Christ before the day ends; win them over to Christ! This is the spirit of the above-cited bible scripture.
You are a Christian, and are now enjoying the benefits of salvation, because somebody took it upon themselves to win you over to Christ. They might not have shared the Word with you; instead, they might just have invited you to a place where the Word was shared, as happened to me. Most likely, it was not a 'special' person who led you to Christ but a very 'ordinary' one.
Soul winning is not just for 'special' people, as some tend to think, and by so doing disqualify themselves from this obligation. It is not just for the eloquent or even the most confident. It is also for people like you and me, the everyday men and women!
Learn to share the Word with people in your community. Speak as naturally as you always do. It is the Spirit of God who captures souls once your words get into their ears. Play your part; never shy away from it! It's quite a bad thing before God to not win Him souls.
How did John do win souls? He simply shouted, "Look, the Lamb of God!" Did John say anything complicated? No! Can you say something like that? Of course, you can!
What happened when John spoke these 'simple' words? The Bible says, "When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus." Aren't you encouraged?
The Lord will confirm your 'simple' words, leading to a harvest of souls. The Lord will empower your words and give them the required effectiveness. So, learn to open that mouth of yours, to the glory of God! That's as simple as it can be.
Remember, communicating or speaking is central to soul-winning. That is one of the most important characteristics of a soul winner; you've got to speak. Your words of necessity must be heard.
May you be inspired to shout a few words before sunset, for the glory of God!
Prayer Point for Today: That I may point people to Christ and not to myself. That I may seek glory for the Lord and not for myself.
Holy Father, every second of my life Satan tempts me to exalt myself, instead of exalting the One you sent, Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord.
I am tempted to take credit for the work that You do through me, ignoring the fact that I am only just a vessel in Your service.
I am tempted to create people who follow me, not people who follow You. I am tempted to direct people toward me, and not toward Jesus Christ.
Holy Father, I am tempted to show people how great I am, instead of how great thou art.
Yet without You, my God, I am nothing. I therefore pray, Holy Father, that this fact remains etched in my mind, and that I may walk in a manner worthy of my calling. I should be pointing people to Christ, always, for this is Your will for me.
Holy Father, in this I seek Your help, each step of the way.
In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray.
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