I have observed and have become convinced that there are just two kinds of people in this world. The lives of these two kinds of people are as different as day is to night.
Only two kinds, not more, not less. That is the message of this textual sermon.
There are various difficulties, challenges, trials, and tribulations in this world, but only two kinds of people.
There are various levels of poverty, but only two kinds of people.
There are various forms of sickness and disease, but only two kinds of people.
You put the two groups under the same kind and level of difficulty or pressure, and they react differently. It's amazing.
Whatever challenging situation you face today, you are either hopeful or hopeless about it.
These are the two kinds of people that I have been referring to - one kind is of the hopeful, the other is of the hopeless, regarding a specific challenge that they might be facing in their lives at any particular time.
You are either hopeful or hopeless about your current situation; there's no borderline position.
Some people are hopeful sometimes and hopeless the rest of the time - they switch groups now and then.
A snapshot of society at any point in time will reveal these two kinds of people - the hopeful and the hopeless.
But what is hope?
The Random House College Dictionary Revised Edition defines hope as, “The feeling that what is desired is also possible, or that events may turn out for the best. To look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence. To believe, desire or trust.”
This definition demonstrates that hope is a good state of being, a good state of mind. It is a feeling that what is desired is possible. It is a 'confident look-ahead!'.
How could one go on with life if they have the feeling that what they desire is not possible? What would such a person live for?
In hope, one has the feeling that what they desire is also possible, or that events may turn out for the best.
In hopelessness, one has the feeling that what they desire is impossible, or that events are likely to turn out for the worst.
I just cannot even try to contemplate the status of the hopeless. Can such people find the fire of life?
The hopeful look forward with confidence; the hopeless remain engulfed by negative energy.
Let me give you some of the characteristics of hope:
First, hope is not passive; it's active, energetic.
Some people think that being hopeful is the same thing as sitting down on the doorstep, staring at the horizon, waiting for something to pop up. To me that's not hoping at all; rather, it's unmitigated idleness!
Goethe once said, “Sitting and waiting is not my way of doing things.” Actually, sitting and waiting does not amount to 'doing things'. You need a similar state of mind.
If you sit and wait, then you are doing nothing. If I see somebody sitting down, looking sullen, I would think that something would be wrong with them. Hope is always active; it does not waste time sitting on the doorstep!
If you hope for something, you don't sit and wait for it to manifest; rather, in your hope you work to bring it into manifestation, into reality.
Real hope is a turbo-charged motivational driving force! If it doesn't drive you, then it's not hope; it's something else.
Second, hope never relents; it never surrenders. The hopeful persevere; that's the power of hope. The hopeless never persevere and some of them never even attempt to do anything about their situation; they simply have decided not to have the energy to!
If you are hopeful, it means you have the feeling that what you desire is possible. Now that's positive thinking. It means that you have a reasonable expectation regarding what you look forward to. This hope then drives you into working towards that which you hope for!
Third, hope does not disappoint, unless it is the 'sitting and waiting' type. The Bible also teaches that hope triumphs over difficulties (Rom. 4:18).
What problems are you facing right now? What difficulties? What ailments? What level of poverty? The impact of these circumstances on your life will depend on whether you are hopeful or hopeless about them.
Mark my words - hopelessness (despair) is a lethal state of mind. It kills the spirit first, then the body follows. So, from today, choose to be hopeful. You've got to learn to look beyond the circumstances. Remember, even in death hope abounds!
Trust in God. Be encouraged. Live inspired. God bless you!
Prayer Point for Today: That I may live a life of hope even during difficult times.
I come before You, Holy Father, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father, from time to time I face difficult situations in my life. Some of the challenges relate to my soul, some to my health, some to my family, some to my finances, and some to my goals in general.
You are the God of my revival whenever I am tempted to fall into despair about all this. I have nowhere else to turn whenever situations turn forcefully against me. Father, I look to You, always.
I thank You for Your Word. I thank You for Jesus Christ. I thank You for the Holy Spirit in me, keeping my soul vibrant and confident.
Jesus is my hope; the Holy Spirit is my helper. I will keep gazing at Your Word, Holy Father, for from it my hope gets its fire.
Father, I also pray for many of Your children who have fallen into despair for one reason or the other. Come to their rescue, and come quickly. I understand the shadow that has engulfed them. Without Your powerful hand they may perish. Help them O Lord, strengthen them to the extent that they too may be in a position to encourage others.
In the name of Jesus, I pray.
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