I remember the time when I was still a teenager. I kept grudges; real grudges, I mean.
I did not know how to forgive; neither did I have the willingness to do so. If somebody did me wrong, they were supposed to pay for it!
I was a stranger to God back then - I had never experienced the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in my life. Any talk about God actually had a jarring effect to my ears; it still does to some folks.
I also would tremble in anger, sometimes to the point of shedding tears - even against an elder!
I recall a day I got so angry at an elder that he almost fell off the chair on which he was sitting. The elder was evidently wrong; I could not tolerate it anymore - but seething in anger did not make me right either - it's only that I did not know at the time and actually felt justified in my actions.
But since then the Lord has re-molded me. Praise to His Holy Name! If you see me now, you see a totally different person. Simple.
I now can forgive and do forgive. I associate with everybody, of whatever station in life, without any problem at all. It is now very difficult for anybody to make me angry - and if I do become angry, it will be only for a brief moment.
Yet it is not my power or genius that is at work in all this. It's simply because He touched me; He continues to touch me up to this day. I give Him all the room to do so; I also give Him all the credit.
I really love this life; I just wouldn't function without God!
Here is a lesson that I learnt from my experience: God will mold you only to the extent that you permit Him to - to the extent to which you are flexible in His hand. God cannot and will not mold clay pots from dry clay; no potter I know can. Only wet, moldable clay will do. So, remember this - you are the key to what God can do to, in, with, through and for you.
If you are a Christian, the power to forgive is already in you. Victory over anger has already been deposited in you.
But here is the question: Are you willing to forgive? Are you willing to let go of the bitterness? Are you willing to neutralize your anger? It's one thing to be holding a gun and a totally different thing to be willing to fire a shot, even if the ability to do so is assured!
Is your will subject to God's will? If it is, just say, "I am willing, my Lord!" and you will activate the abilities already resident in you.
In the end, it is entirely a personal decision and a personal step to take. It's not the pastor's decision, or mine to make; rather, the decision is entirely yours to make.
Remember: Willingness and surrender, from the depth of the heart, is the key to unlocking the life and character of Jesus Christ in you.
Think about these issues during your quiet moments.
Prayer Point for Today: That I may appreciate the full extent of the abilities that I have in Christ Jesus.
Holy Father, forgive me for I have fallen short of Your expectations on many occasions.
I know much about the kind of person You expect me to be. Father, I know the kind of life that I should live in Christ Jesus, the example that I should set, the actions and reactions that I should take under specific circumstances.
But I have failed myself on several occasions, and by doing so, I also have failed You.
I consider forgiving to be a difficult step to take. I fail to let go. I fail to move on with life when I am wronged. The main reason, Holy Father, is that I try to do all this, and many more, using my own abilities.
I forget many a time that it should be Your ability that should work in me to succeed, not mine. And because nothing is impossible with You, nothing should be impossible with me, for I am Your child.
Therefore forgiving is possible with me; and so is living a truly Christ-like life in this world in terms of hope, peace, love, kindness, selflessness, perseverance, truthfulness, warmth, confidence, trust, and faith.
Father, only You can make me stand. So I put all my trust in You.
In the name of Jesus, I pray.
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