“ … those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God” (Romans 8 Verse 14, NIV).
Who are the sons and daughters of God? Who are the sons and daughters of Abraham? It is “those who are led by the Spirit of God”.
The unsaved cannot be led by the Spirit of God because they are not of the Spirit. They, however, might eventually become of the Spirit, if they so choose. On the other hand, the saved need to seriously think about Paul’s statement in Romans 8:14.
A Christian should always be attentive to the Holy Spirit’s direction. We need, as Christians, to keep our antennas high and searching, so that we remain in touch with the thinking of the Spirit at every point of our lives.
Consider the radar; it’s always on the alert. Once an airplane gets into the radar’s area of coverage the radar immediately shouts, “An airplane has just entered my airspace!” That’s how alert every Christian should always be!
And when the radar is active, safety and protection is assured; airlines land safely and unwanted flying objects are fended off. Similarly, things will go well in your life if you keep your spiritual radar active.
We should never miss the Spirit’s mind concerning our lives, not even once, otherwise we would face unnecessary risks. A Christian who is always attentive will be able to capture the thoughts and guidance of the Spirit at every turn.
We should never miss the Spirit’s mind concerning our lives, not even once, otherwise we would face unnecessary risks. A Christian who is always attentive will be able to capture the thoughts and guidance of the Spirit at every turn.
It doesn’t mean that one should necessarily hear a voice, although some people do hear God’s voice. Even without hearing a voice, one would know what God’s thoughts are with respect to any area of their life if they are attentive. The Word of God that you read should come in handy under the circumstances.
You might decide to go somewhere, but before you go, you need to ask yourself the question: “What does the Spirit of God say about my plan?”
You might have been wronged by somebody and you are in the process of considering your options; you should ask, “What does the Spirit of God expect me to do under these circumstances?”
You might be in a clothing shop, trying to grab some fashion. Before you buy, you should be in a position to tell what the Spirit’s mind is regarding any item of clothing that you might be admiring.
I believe that if you genuinely want to follow the will of God, you will hear a still, small 'voice' in your heart, instructing you on the way to go.
God is the God of a Christian's entire life; not just a part of it. We therefore shouldn’t surrender just a portion of our lives and affairs to God; instead, we should surrender every aspect of it! God should have the final say on everything concerning our lives.
I do not believe people who say God approves of everything that we might decide to do or to be; if He did, then to me He wouldn’t be God.
Does your earthly father approve of everything about you, everything you do or everything you are?
Hasn't your earthly father at one point directed you to change certain things concerning your life? What more the Heavenly Father, the Father of even your father!
We should never confuse our will with God’s will.
We should never confuse our will with God’s will.
Under all circumstances, it should be very easy for a Christian to come to a decision. All one has to do is ask themselves, “What is the mind of the Spirit on this?” The mind of the Spirit becomes the decision!
Some of God's children are in not so good a shape. They allow God to direct them only in some areas of their lives and keep certain areas to themselves. They reach certain decisions and stay put even if God were to direct them otherwise. That is the height of disobedience!
Several Christians disobey God in certain respects. Even when they know too well what God’s direction is regarding an aspect of their lives, they proceed as if they knew nothing. Just because they like it that way, they say, in effect, “Even God will not shift me from this.” What do you make of it?
The Bible mentions some people who ‘wandered from the faith” (see 1 Timothy 6:21). I wouldn’t be surprised if any of the disobedient Christians eventually wander from the faith, because their mindset is already inclined that way. They might end up disobeying the Father in everything!
I implore you to act and react only in a manner that’s consistent with the direction of the Spirit. There might be something that you love to do, or a behavior that you find irresistible, or gatherings that you are weak to avoid. The bottom-line is, “What is the mind of the Spirit regarding all this?”
You should be convinced that your conduct in life is exactly what the Spirit ordered.
You should be convinced that your conduct in life is exactly what the Spirit ordered.
“What is the mind of the Spirit on this? What does the Spirit instruct me to do? Would God be pleased if I were to do it this way?” That’s how Christians make decisions.
I have come across Christians who say, "But I do not know the will of God regarding this aspect of my life." In response I normally say, "Do not worry about what you do not know now. Are you doing anything about that which you know?"
If one did their best regarding the will of God that they know, they are in a good place. I think going forward, the more such people learn about the will of God, the more they will follow it. In addition to advising them about their situation, I also urge such people not to remain a minute in a state of ignorance because nothing stops them from searching the scriptures for answers!
Just as I was about to fall asleep one day, the thought of writing this message entered my mind. Because I was tired and wanted to rest, I decided to postpone writing until the next day. However, when I asked myself the question, “What does the Spirit say I should do?” I realized that the Spirit wanted me to wake up and write the message straight away. So, I did.
I sure hope this sermon has helped you in some way. If it has, then it was worth my writing. Remember that you will never mature if you don’t give the Spirit free reign in your life.
God bless you!
Prayer Point for Today: That the Holy Spirit may guide every aspect of my life.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I come before You.
Like Jesus I declare, "I want to do Your will O God! Hear I am, I desire to become everything that You expect of me."
Open my spiritual eyes and ears, Holy Father, so that I may see where to step and hear the voice that I need to hear, and no other.
May earthly ways and earthly standards never lure me away from the heavenly standard.
Fill me with the Holy Spirit, O God, the same Spirit who was in Christ Jesus, the same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead.
May the resurrection Spirit resurrect the desire in me to do Your will for the rest of my life.
In the name of Christ Jesus, I pray.