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Showing posts from January, 2014

Short Sermon #44: HOW TO BRING GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST - Free Christian blog sites

"I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do." - John 17 Verse 4 (NIV) This is a powerful statement. There are various ways by which one could bring glory to God. I, however, believe that completing the work that the Lord has assigned you is the principal means by which you could bring glory to Him. Jesus was clear about the kind of work that God had given Him to accomplish on earth. At the end of it all, Jesus also could tell that He had accomplished His mission. You could be wondering what kind of work God has cut out for you, the work that you need to complete during your lifetime. Remember, every Christian has work to do. The principal work is soul winning . If you are not clear about the work God has cut out of you, just tell people about Christ ; you will never go wrong. As you win souls, God will reveal to you what additional work He may want you to accomplish. So what work are you doing right now to bring God glor...

Short Sermon #43: PLEASING GOD - Free Christian motivational articles

"How can I please God?"  "How can I please Him more?"  "Am I pleasing Him at all?"  Any Christian whose heart burns for the deep things of God, who yearns for wholesome fellowship with Him, always asks themselves these questions. I have asked myself the same question several times. I have always sought for THE formula for a proper fellowship with the Father...and I have found it! I have always known about 'the formula' , but it had not come to my heart the way it has done now. I will give you the formula right away. You can use it within two minutes from now; how exciting! You could be in top-notch fellowship with the Father immediately...and your life will completely change forever! The formula to the best ever fellowship with the Father is "walking in love."   Gracious Lord! "How can I walk in love? What does 'walking in love' really mean, in practical terms?" you could be asking yourself...and you...

Short Sermon #42: THE HOLY SPIRIT TESTIFIES ABOUT JESUS CHRIST - Free daily bible word for today

"When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, he will testify about me." - John 15  Verse  26 (NIV) The Bible clearly explains who the real Holy Spirit is. There are so many 'holy spirits' in the world today. Many are following such spirits, imitations of the real Holy Spirit. Such people are being led into dense forests! What are you looking for? Are you looking for any spirit or for the real Holy Spirit? If you are looking for the real Holy Spirit, you should first learn about Him, for you to be able to recognize Him at every turn. There is enough teaching in the Bible to help you tell the real from the fake. In John 15:26 we learn that the Holy Spirit is our Counselor, our teacher, our guide and our helper. We also learn that He testifies only about Jesus, and that His words and directions are always consistent with the Word of God. In John 14:17 the Holy Spirit is referred to as 'the Spirit of truth' .  From Jo...

Short Sermon #41: COULD YOU BE GUILTY OF SIN? - Free full text sermons

"If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin." - John 15 Verse 22 (NIV) If you've never heard anybody talk about Jesus, you are not guilty of sin. If you've heard about Him and ignored Him and His message, then you are guilty of sin; you live in condemnation. How great the number of people guilty of sin!  I know of many, close and far, who have heard about Jesus (by word of mouth, through radio, television and print media) but have ignored Him, and continue to do so. Some of these people are exposed to the Word of God almost on a daily basis; but to them, the Word of God is nothing but classical fiction. If you've ever heard the Word of God, if you've ever heard about Jesus, and have not done anything about it, then  you have no excuse for your sin! Yours is the most dangerous state of life there ever could be! "Now to you who believe, this stone is preciou...