"... set apart for ..." Glory to God! This bible verse is absolutely enlightening and life-transforming!
Christians are set apart for God. It gives me great excitement and encouragement to know that I too am set apart for Him.
Christians are set apart for God. It gives me great excitement and encouragement to know that I too am set apart for Him.
It requires a certain level of consciousness for one to fully grasp the depth of this. If you are a Christian, I request you to meditate on this for just a minute. In your meditation, try to answer the following question: "What really does it mean for me to be set apart for God?"
It gets me thinking.
To be set apart does not mean to just be a party to something, or associated with something, or gathering with fellow Christians for church. It means total devotion, a complete dedication, a oneness with Him that can never be disturbed by anything.
God says, "You are mine and mine only. I should be the center of your attraction always, and your world should revolve only around me."
To be set apart does not mean to just be a party to something, or associated with something, or gathering with fellow Christians for church. It means total devotion, a complete dedication, a oneness with Him that can never be disturbed by anything.
God says, "You are mine and mine only. I should be the center of your attraction always, and your world should revolve only around me."
It is only by walking in this truth that we, as Christians, could get to the next and higher level with our God.
You may proceed to: Jesus Knows Your Heart