"Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent" - John 6 Verse 29 (NIV).
This verse always gets me thinking. I have read it over and over and have come to the conclusion that this is the root or foundation of Christianity - the work of God, as John defined it.
The work of God that we do without working is the work that results in the Lord embracing us, taking us into His household, and making us members of His great family - children of God.
In addition, there is no other way people may live in the Kingdom of God except by believing in Him at every turn.
When things get really tough, when push comes to shove, when one finds themselves between a rock and a hard place, I have seen many turning their hope towards some other things, things that are disgusting in the sight of the Lord!
All the other works that we do 'for God' can never amount to work before Him unless they spring from the work given in John 6:29 (NIV). Note: one can never be a child of God through physical work, even though such work may be important and needs to be done.
So, in everything you do, be sure that the principal work is the foundation, with everything else being a 'building-upon'.
The real question that one should ask themselves is, "Do I believe in the one God has sent?"
You may be a member of a church, very active in every way, but you still need to ask yourself the question, "Is the work that I do in church founded on the work of God?" If it's not, then it's something else.
Prayer point for today: That all my works may be based on the foundation of Christ.
I thank You, heavenly Father, for this profound message from John.
I pray for myself and fellow congregants, that everything we do may be based on the foundation of Christ.
Indeed, if we do anything apart from Christ, we do it in vain. I understand, holy Father, that the Christian faith is not about mere good works, but good works rooted in Christ.
Help us, Father, to monitor our conduct all the time, for many have turned the church into a pure charity organization, busy with works that are devoid of Christ. And many seem to be satisfied with this.
May Your Spirit lead us in the way we need to go. May Your Spirit alert us when we go astray. May our hearts burn for pure fellowship with You, with the Bible as our ever-present companion. May we discern hypocrisy in the church and address it to everybody's benefit, by the grace of God.
I pray to You, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.