It struck me one day.
Here I was, walking down the street when suddenly my mind’s voice encouraged me with these words: “Phanuel, you must understand that you have never lost out on anything in life.”
I stopped and asked myself, “So what has been happening?”
“You have been gaining, gaining, gaining. All the things that you thought you had missed out on are actually in a ‘bank’ account from which you are free to withdraw both the principal sum plus compound interest,” the voice replied.
This to me was like a breath of fresh, fragrant air!
Quite an inspiring message it was - a totally transformed way to look at life and living.
What I thought was gone was not actually gone. What you thought was gone was not actually gone. Indeed, it all depends on what one chooses to believe about their life.
I used to think in terms of spilled milk that's gone down the drain, but this paradigm completely re-focused my lenses about life and opportunities.
I had spent a number of years thinking I was losing out. When I failed to get the job that I desired, I thought I had lost out. When a project that I started failed mid-way, I thought I had lost out. When I fell sick, I thought I had lost out. I just thought I had lost out.
But here I was, being lectured on the correct perspective to the issues of life. The voice said, “You have never lost out on anything in life; so get out there and claim that which your heart so desires!”
I had to make a choice after I heard the voice. I either had to believe the voice, or ignore it; each of the choices was going to have far-reaching consequences on my life.
I chose to believe the voice. “So, what has been happening?” I asked. “You’ve been gaining.” Oh, how excited I was! It was like I was awakening from some kind of sleep only to discover that a new day had dawned.
I have been gaining. I have been banking. I have never lost out on anything. I am free to withdraw not only the principal sum but also the compound interest. Glory to God! I truly love this.
I have learned this great lesson; the state of a person’s life is strongly dependent on how they view their past, present, and future. It is a function of how one defines the things that happen to them in life, the things that don't happen to them, the circumstances that befall them, the circumstances that don't befall them, the doors that open before them, the doors that remain shut before them, or any other developments in their environment.
It is also a function of the ingredients of one's vocabulary.
For example, whenever I thought and declared that I had lost out, I really felt that way and lived that way, and my life was badly affected by this kind of attitude. Just the thought made me weak and unambitious.
But now that I believe I have never lost out on anything, and that I can never lose anything, I am like a brand-new person. I now believe that it’s counter-productive to continue using the same kind of vocabulary. I also think it’s evil to entertain such thoughts.
As a Christian, I have the ability to pursue, overtake and recover. That's the foundation of my mindset. One's view of life must be based on something; mine is based on Christ.
If I fail to use my ability, I will live like one who never had the ability. If I fail to use my wisdom, I will be considered to be one without it.
It is also possible to miss something that one thought was great, for something that is far much better! When God protects you from yourself, that becomes a profitable loss!
I am a child of God. Whatever belongs to my Father belongs to me. My Father has never lost out on anything. In fact, He cannot lose out. He is the Creator. The Creator cannot lose out on anything that He created, because if it were to happen, He would simply create a trillion of the same kind!
Do you now see how the principal sum and the compound interest come into being? Do you believe that one can reap in multiples during a year of drought?
Satan is a liar and an enemy of everything good; he is against every form of progress in one's life. Satan fights against a positive frame of mind and godly positions. In reality, the Satan-induced thoughts result in false positions.
You've got to be careful where you draw your inspiration and information from. You either go with God or go with Another. God’s positions are directly opposite those of the devil. God’s training is totally different.
The fruits that one obtains from associating with God are totally different from those obtained from associating with the devil. In God you get ‘day’. In the devil it is a ‘night of pitch darkness’ always, although the devil may fool you with counterfeits.
From today, never say, “I lost out on money-making opportunities.” Never say, “I lost out on good health.” Don’t say, “I do not think I can salvage my relationship with my parents.” Never say, "I lost out on education".
Never entertain the thought that your relationship with God has been irreparably damaged, or that God will never accept you as His child after all that you've been up to. Never entertain such ideas! You need to embrace the mindset of pursuing, overtaking and recovering everything that is of benefit to you.
The important thing is that you've got an opportunity to complete a withdrawal slip - to take appropriate and well-calculated action towards achieving your life goals. That's the key, and it requires effort and action on your part.
On the withdrawal slip you should write something like:
- Nothing can separate me from God.
- I claim all outstanding opportunities with interest.
- I take back 200% control over my health and wealth.
- Even though we now do not see eye to eye, my parents and I are going to have the best relations of our lives.
But you need to be sure of your ground. You need the right attitude if you are to turn your desires into reality. If you doubt, you certainly will fall short.
Take charge of your spiritual life. Take charge of your health. Take charge of your wealth. Take charge of your relations. Take charge of your present and future, at the same time drawing lessons from your past.
It's time to withdraw the principal sum plus the compound interest. Are you ready?
You need to turn that situation around, to the glory of God! So, get out and grab what your heart has yearned for for so long! What are you waiting for?
And God will be with you all the way!
Prayer Point for Today: That I may have the right attitude towards opportunities and timing.
Father, in the name of Jesus. I thank You for this vital revelation, the new mindset You've given me on how to approach the issues of life.
Now and again I fall down. Now and again I fail in my life's pursuits.
Yet I should never view falling and failing as negative developments, but as lessons that I learn on my way to personal achievement in the various spheres of life.
Jesus made it to the cross, because that was a noble goal set before Him. It was not an easy thing to do. There were so many obstacles and temptations designed to take Him away from His objective. Some wanted to make Jesus an earthly king; Satan wanted Him to fall and join the devil's camp.
Similarly, in all my noble pursuits, I too should maintain the same attitude, of going out and grabbing that which I set my heart to gain.
May the spirit of God always inspire me in this direction!
In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray.