"Jesus said, 'You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree? You shall see greater things than that." - John 1 Verse 50 (NIV)
How encouraging! How uplifting!
Already we have seen great things in our walk with God. But I am confident that we have not seen the greatest. In fact, we shall never see the greatest as long as we live.
The fact is it will continue to get better. Greater, greater, greater, continually!
I don't yearn for the greatest experience; I yearn for the greater, perpetually. The greatest is limited; the greater has 'free range'. Glory to God!
You've seen the move of God in your life. You have received great revelations from Him. You've also experienced tremendous spiritual growth by His grace, and you rejoice because He has taken you to the next and higher level.
The Lord has also blessed you in a way that keeps you talking about the experience.
You know what? ... and as some say ... YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET!