John is on my mind.
I was reading the Book of John one day and it occurred to me that I should write a small sermon on just two verses that caught my attention.
The first verse says, “When [John] saw Jesus passing by, he said, ‘Look, the Lamb of God!’” (John 1 Verse 36, NIV).
As I meditated on this verse, I noted two things.
The first is that John was exceedingly excited about Jesus. It appears to me that John actually did not 'say', but 'shouted', "Look, the Lamb of God!"
On seeing Jesus, John acted like a kid who was seeing his father for the first time after a long period of separation. It's the kind of excitement that one would not be able to contain or hide.
Then a thought came to me saying, “This is how excited I should always be about my Lord.” How true! You and I have to be this excited, always, daily. God expects this of His worshipers. He is never excited about people of low temperature.
I also learnt another great lesson, i.e., if one is excited about Jesus, they cannot afford to keep quiet about Him even if they wanted to. They would find themselves shouting, “Look, the Lamb of God!”
I then realized that I too had all along been doing exactly the same thing. For some time, I had been writing articles on Jesus and the Kingdom life. That is my way of saying “Look, the Lamb of God!”
You too have a similar obligation. You should always confess Jesus. You should always talk about Him, to Christians or non-Christians alike. You have no option, even though you may think you have one.
This is what happened to those who heard John shout: “When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus,” (John 1:37, NIV). Praise God!
When they heard John shout, the two disciples followed Jesus. This is soul-winning. God expects each of us to do the same, to win Him souls.
Other people won us over to Christ. We should in turn do the same for others. “How does one do it?” you might ask. By shouting, “Look!” You can do it your way. John did it his way. However, whatever way one chooses must amount to, “Look, the Lamb of God!”
Is it just the unsaved who need to look? The answer is 'No'.
Christians face various challenges in life. Because of this, some of them take their eyes off Jesus and begin to focus on their challenges, in the process giving undue respect to such challenges. This practice magnifies the challenges and makes them look invincible.
We, therefore, need to keep pointing Christians to Christ. “Look at Jesus. Never be overwhelmed by your challenges, status in life, or any such things,” we should keep reminding them.
It is not every Christian who emerges victorious from a fight with the devil. Victory is for Christians who fix their gaze on Jesus, not those who fix their gaze on their challenges. Those who fix their eyes on their problems continue to face defeat until they revise their focus.
As children of God, we must keep looking at Jesus, whether we are in trouble or at peace, whether we have plenty or little, and whether people honor or despise us. That is why we are called Christians.
Look, the Lamb of God! What a powerful example!
Prayer Point for Today: That the Lord may use the members of my body for His glory.
Dear Father, I come before You in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I offer the gift of speech, my voice, to You, that I may use it to magnify You, and by so doing draw many to You, to the end that they may be saved and have eternal life.
May John be my example, my role model in this regard. He shouted, and because of his shouting, many followed You. I would love to do the same, each day for as long as I am in the world.
Not only do I offer You my voice, O God, but I also offer You the rest of the members of my body - my feet, my hands, my eyes, and the rest. You can use anything, Lord; I am therefore convinced that You can use these other to Your glory members as well.
I thank You, Holy Father, for everything You are for me and in me, now and into the future.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.
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