This sermon is, at least as far as I am concerned, quite inspiring. By the way, I never write anything unless I am convinced that it will benefit at least one person, and I hope that you will find the teaching contained in this sermon not only heart-touching, but also truly practical for everyday Christian living.
I must say that I find it extremely amazing that a number of people choose to ignore very clear and valuable instructions, and these people obviously do so to their own disadvantage.
I will start with a very clear instruction that Jesus Christ gave his disciples. It says, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry…” (Matthew 6:25, NIV).
I love this. Clear. No ambiguity. No exceptions. “Do not worry,” Jesus instructed.
Is this instruction flexible? No; it’s rigid. It says, “Do not.” It does not say, "You may not ..." You are instructed never to worry, whatever your personal circumstances might be. You sure need to give yourself some time to reflect on this.
I know that there are people who, after reading the above verse, rush to say, “It’s not possible,” and that mentality is the very reason some people live in perpetual worry; sometimes worrying about things they cannot do anything about.
You are free to choose how you want to live your life. You are also free to choose where you want to live it. You could opt for Wonderland; or you could opt for Worryland. The choice is yours. But whichever place you choose to live in, you need to first convince yourself why you have to live there!
You need to grow into the kind of person Jesus expects of you. I know that many people can't help worrying but the truth is that their worrying actually never accomplishes anything positive for them. So why hold on to worry if it is counterproductive?
“Don't worry,” Jesus Christ instructs you even in this day and age!
If you continue to read the verse a little further you will note that Jesus went on to teach that you should not worry about what you will eat or drink, etc. This, however, does not mean that you are expected to be loafing around waiting for manna from heaven. It actually means that you should never waste your time worrying; instead of worrying, you should use your time to engage in useful activities! Indeed, you will find a strong work ethic contained in some of the teachings of the Bible.
Jesus Christ values work, and hates worry. Worry should not be confused with work; nobody has ever profited from it. In reality, many people have suffered huge losses because of worry!
Amongst your friends and relatives, you sure could easily pick out experts at worry. I call them “accomplished worry warriors”. All these people do is to worry about their circumstances. They are always sullen, with faces deliberately disfigured, always sighing, always hissing, shaking their heads, and talking to nobody. And such people think they are doing themselves service!
But why does Jesus Christ detest worry this much? Why did He teach against it? Why do I accept His teaching? Why should you accept it too?
Listen to this: “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” (Matthew 6:27, NIV). That’s exactly the point!
Jesus Christ expects you to always engage yourself in activities that are beneficial; worrying is not one of such activities. I am yet to see a man or woman who can testify that they got something positive by worrying. But I have already seen a lot of people who have been disadvantaged by it!
I am yet to see a man or woman who has managed to solve their problems by worrying. But I have seen that everybody who defaults to worrying only adds to their problems.
If you are facing one problem and all you do is to worry about it, then you add many more problems to the extent that you might even end up with at least five more, sometimes with each additional problem bigger than the original!
It is common to hear somebody say, “I can’t find sleep; I am so worried,” and they say so as though they would be talking about something cute. Can one solve problems by going without sleep? Not at all!
You find that after spending a week without sleeping the person’s problems are still sticking to them. In some cases, the problems would have multiplied due to lack of solution.
Can one solve their problems by looking sullen? No. That won’t help! And do you think that by looking sullen somebody will come to your assistance? If that’s your mentality, then you are still missing the point. Adults are not expected to behave like that; rather, they are expected to deal with their problems and take charge of their lives!
Can you add an hour to your life by worrying? This question still begs an answer from you.
I suggest you do the following if you are faced with a problem:
First, write down, as clearly as possible, the nature of the problem that you face. I have spoken to people who thought they had a problem when in reality they had none; the people had, instead, become their own problem because of the way they viewed the circumstances of their lives, and how they reacted to such circumstances. And after discussing their 'problems' with them, one would say, “So why was I worried?” You therefore should be clear about the nature of your problem before you start running all over broadcasting that you face one.
Second, if you are convinced that you indeed have a problem, write down how the problem came about, i.e., your understanding of the genesis of the problem. If you know how the problem started, this might help you in solving or mitigating it or in preventing its recurrence.
Third, and probably the most critical step, you need to ask yourself the question, “What are my options?”
I believe that for every problem there’s a range of possible solutions; these are the options available to you. Write down all your options, including those that might appear silly at face value. Once you complete the list and are convinced that there are no other potential options, you should go on to select what you consider to be the best option and implement it.
For example, somebody may be mad at you because of something you did to them, and they may have told you that they no longer want to see you, ever. You might, however, still conclude that the right course of action, from the options available to you, is to go and see them and offer an apology. So, you should go and offer an apology. It might be accepted; it might not, but you would have done your very best under the circumstances and you should therefore consider the matter closed.
Instead of following this course of action, some people spend eternity worrying about their situation. “Oh, he no longer wants to see me!” they lament day and night; but what benefit does it bring? Will you be accepted because you’ve worried enough about it? No!
So, all that’s needed is for you to take positive steps to solve the problem. Situations are not changed by worrying. Problems are not solved by worrying. Rather, the only person who will live a quality life is the one who has sent worry to hell. All that this person does is to take positive, calculated steps to rectify whatever problems they might encounter in life.
If you lose sleep because of worry, then you are most likely to develop sleep disorders, and related health problems. In addition, people who operate in partnership with worry lack proper concentration on virtually everything pertaining to their lives - their work, their family and their future, because all the time they are lamenting, and thereby neglecting the useful things of life. Such people are perpetually overwhelmed by their problems. So, they may lose out on good health. They may lose out on wealth. They may lose out on relations. So, worry is negative; it is therefore clear why Jesus Christ taught against it.
I have also noted something - i.e., many of the problems that people face today are self-created. People often bring problems on themselves because of the manner they choose to conduct their lives. It may be by what they plan or decide, the ideas they choose to implement, the things they enjoy, or the words they choose to utter. One sure way to minimize problems is to tread the path of life well, all the time being sensitive to the feelings of other people.
But somebody might ask, “But how could I overcome worry?” The simple answer is: “Change your focus”.
When faced with a problem, you have two basic choices. The first one is “worrying”. You could choose to worry whenever you are faced with a problem. By the way, a number of people actually do so!
The second option is called “solution”. It is only those people who do nothing about their problems who are prone to worrying. Those who immediately take steps to solve their problems have no room for worry because they are always consumed by their quest for solution. It’s really a choice one has to make, and I sure hope that you will always choose solution!
Having come this far I now take the honor to give you a sparkling instruction. Here goes: “Be joyful always” (1Timothy 5:16, NIV). Wonderland! The fact that you’ve read this sermon up to this point suggests that you understand the language used. But I pray to God that He gives you a deeper understanding of the meaning of two words used in this verse. The words are ‘joyful’ and ‘always’. Praise God!
Is the teaching contained in the above verse flexible? Absolutely not! It says ‘always’. Are there exceptions? No.
Should you be joyful when it’s raining? Yes. Should you be joyful when it’s overcast? Yes. Should you be joyful when the sky is clear-blue? Yes of course.
Should you be joyful when you have enough? Yes. Should you be joyful when you lack? Yes. That’s the point! That’s the definition of ‘always’. But it’s not just about being always joyful; what it means is that in your joy you should solve whatever problems you might face.
Now that’s what I call joy!
So, don’t worry - be ever joyful! And if you truly cannot solve any specific problem that you may face, then you should learn to live with it; your solution may lie in adapting to it.
Prayer Point for today: That I may live a worry-free life, as the Lord Jesus Christ expects of me.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for the wisdom and instruction about life, as contained in Your Word.
When I speak to people about living a worry-free life, many a times I see disbelief in their eyes. To many, dear God, worrying is a natural part of life, and therefore cannot be avoided.
Yet I know, my God, that Your Word speaks not to the natural man, but to the spiritual. With man, it is impossible not to worry; but with You, it is possible. To the natural man, it is impossible; but to the spiritual man, it is possible.
May I always live in accordance with the dictates of Your Word. May you strengthen me with Your right hand whenever I face challenges in life. May Your Spirit fill me to the extent that nothing else but pure joy may ever find a place in my heart.
In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, I pray.